Patricia Kessler
Este es el primer libro para niños de Patricia de su serie "Las aventuras de Tallulah, Lucía y Dolce". Después de su aventura personal de mudarse a Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, sus perros decidieron correr algunas aventuras por su cuenta, y esta es la primera historia de su divertida aventura en la jungla con inesperadas lecciones de vida cargadas de positividad. Tallulah fue adquirida en una granja de mascotas y solo pesaba una libra cuando llegó....
This is Patricia's first children's book in her series, "The Adventures of Tallulah, Lucia, and Dolce." After her personal adventure of moving to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, her dogs decided to have some adventures of their own, and this is the first story of their fun jungle adventure with unexpected positive life lessons. Tallulah was purchased from a puppy mill and only weighed one pound when she arrived. Lucia was frozen with fear when Patricia first...
Patricias story is deeper than a love story; it is a story about love; a story about continuing to believe in the mystery and glory of love, even in the face of abuse, lies, and broken promises. Its also a story about tenacious courage, about choosing to view life and people through rose-colored glasses, and believing that even when those we trust fail us: love never does. Eight divorces have not shaken this belief one bit. Patricias special gift...