Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: Wolves and Worms
1 Pinworms, Primates, and Porcupines: How Parasites Traveled the World
2 Stone Cold Killers: Trichinella in the Arctic
3 Who's Your Daddy? Lice on Great Apes
4 Giants Crawl among Us: Giant Liver Flukes
6 Stranded Whales: A Fluke Accident?
7 How the Zebra Got Its Stripes
8 Ornaments and Parasites
9 The Night of the Vampire: Parasitic Mammals and Bat Bugs
10 Your Brain on Worms: Nature's Biological Weapon
11 The Tale of the Tape: The World's Longest Parasite
13 Moths, Sloths, Tears, and Blood
14 The Manchurian Parasite
16 Sex and the Single Schistosome
17 The Trickster: Coyotes and Their Parasites
18 Fleas: The Inside Story
Conclusion: The Greatest Show on Earth
References and Additional Readings